Sunday, December 04, 2005


Ok, ok...first I hope no one is looking for a wrong assumption of the anacronym WTF - it stands for (in this case) "What's True Freeware", and as the button states, 'WTF IT IS TFR'.
Ok, if you aren't familiar with what TFR stands for - it is The Freeware Revolution.

What is the Freeware Revolution?
The Freeware Revolution is a community of similar minded computer users, programmers, web site operators, working together to educate and spread the word about 'real' freeware. It also aims to preserve the future creation and usability of freeware, and stop organizations such as the TCPA (Trusted Computing Platform Alliance, also known as TCG) from making it impossible to use freeware on your computer.

Freeware Revolution members are all equal. We aren't 'in it' for personal gain, nor are we in it to boost our traffic.

One of the initial goals of the revolution is to establish a community of site's that make available true freeware. This is NOT a traffic boosting, site ring, affiliate scheme, or a scheme to get cash or any other kind of financial reward.

Does it cost?

The Freeware Revolution costs absolutely nothing, it's members pay no fee's, due's and seek no financial rewards.

Do you gain from this?

There is no actual "you" in this. No-one involved in the Freeware revolution gains anything, except preserving the things we love. Our rewards are in protecting and preserving freeware, and educating those that do not yet know about freeware.

Who can join?

Anyone can join the Freeware Revolution. We don't discriminate against race, colour, gender. All we ask is that you are joining the Revolution for the cause, and not for personal gain.

Who are the members and where are they from?

The Freeware Revolution members come from all walks of life and are spread all over the world, ranging from America, to the United Kingdom, to New Zealand.

How do you suggest I proceed, should I wish to become involved?

It is suggested that members read the available informationals, fact sheets, and if you get the chance stop by the forum.

I have some questions first, who should I contact?

If you have further questions, you can either contact Scott directly, or alternatively, visit the the forum.

Notes: This article was written by Steven Burn, and converted from HTML/ASP to plain text/UBB. If there are any spelling/coding errors, please accept my apologies.

If you would like to re-print this article on your website/forum, please obtain permission from either Steven Burn (Ur I.T. Mate Group), or Scott (Freeware Arena).

Copyright ©2003 - 2005 The Freeware Revolution - All Rights Reserved.

Steven Burn
Ur I.T. Mate Group

Get complete details about TFR here.

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